Chris Evans
Producer: Helen Thomas
Interactive: Scott Cawley
Broadcast Assistant: Mark Plant
Phones: Janine Maya-Smith & Nic Philps

"He’s back and he’s brilliant. He’s done his homework, knows the Radio 2 audience and targets them brilliantly. Chris Evans is on absolute top form – sharp, natural, articulate, entertaining and engaging. We salute his return to the airwaves with a music radio personality that really prints."
BBC Radio 2

Marc Riley
Producers: Michelle Choudhry & Dina Jahina
Broadcast Assistant: Peter Hardy

"An always original, often surreal presenter with a burning passion for music. Uses humour and interaction well and has a good one-to-one relationship with the listener. A digital radio star."
BBC 6 Music

Lauren Laverne
Producers: Mick Meadows & Paul Raffaelli
Director: Andy Ashton
Writers: Mick Meadows, Lauren Laverne & Paul Raffaelli

"Gutsy, energetic and vibrant. Not just because she’s a woman but because her style of presentation is genuine and a breath of fresh air in commercial radio."

Jamie Theakston
Producers: Emma Marston, Jamie Scott, Jonathan Pascoe
& Poppy Lloyd
Writer: Rob Heeney
Editor: Mark Browning
Co-Presenter: Harriet Scott
Performer: Simon Vigar

"An entertaining and likeable personality, nicely targeted at the heart of Heart’s listeners. Good interaction and chemistry with Harriet Scott helps deliver the music and features in a pacey and fun manner."
London’s Heart 106.2

Tim Lovejoy
Producers: Mark Augustyn & Paul Jackson
Director: Paul Jackson
Assistant Producers: Nan Davies & Joe Dudley

"Laid back, natural and likeable. Engages wittily with listeners and does not creep to celebrities, which means he gets more out of them."
Virgin Radio